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Used for acupuncture, massage, acupressure in rehabilitation treatment in hospitals, clinics, health facilities of precinct & commune, etc.

Main features

- The bed includes upper frame, lower frame and bed legs, made of stainless steel SUS 304, welded by TIG welding technology with Argon gas. It is thoroughly burr grinded and brightly polished. The welds are cleaned, ensuring quality and aesthetics.
- The foam mattress is 50 mm thick, soft and highly elastic, covered with leatherette. The top of the mattress has an oval hole suitable for the face, making it comfortable for users. It is attached to the upper frame by adhesive sheets.
- Ambient temperature, humidity: maximum temperature 45°C, maximum humidity 90%, suitable with tropical monsoon climate of Vietnam.

Technical data

Upper frame
- Made of 25 x 50 mm stainless steel box
- Inside is a stainless steel plate to support the mattress with an oval hole.
- Below the plate and along the width of the bed, there are 3 spokes 
Lower frame
- Made of 25 x 25 mm stainless steel box
- There are 16 equidistant spokes
Bed legs
- 6 legs made of round stainless steel Ø42.
- Legs have rubber cushions to avoid scratching the floor when moving.
Measuring unit
Bed dimensions (without mattress)
Mattress dimensions
Length x Width x Height
1900 x 700 x 650
Length x Width x Height
1900 x 700 x 50
Maximum load capacity
250 kg


** Please do not hesitate to contact us for more informations